This evening I have been researching pictures of Fairies and Elves (Some call them Gnomes) and adding them to my Fairies board on Pinterest. These creatures have been with me for a long time. As a little kid my Grandma gave me Wee Wisdom,, a magazine that had fairies and elves in stories, games and drawings. The beginning of my inspiration, a very long time ago.Above are a few of my 3 D collection done by other artists.
I have added some of my 2 D collection to the wall above the elf figures you see above. My original painting (18" X 24" oil on canvas board) titled "Musical Elf" is above the elf grouping. The textile printed mushrooms to the left are trapunto embroidery that is also my handiwork.
The little mushroom picture to the far left is painted glass with a foil and white enameled back ground. The covered bridge is another trapunto piece. These two items were gifts from my Grandmother Rose V. Minarik
Here is a little closer view of the elf figures from another angle. The two large fellows are playing checkers. One is riding on a turtle. The library elf is reading his book to the little sleeping fellow. Gepetto with the striped stockings is working on a puppet. Then Santa, the jolly old elf himself, is pulling on gloves getting ready to load his bag.
Below: My "Musical Elf" close-up.
I LOVE this painting, Sherry! With the mushrooms, lily of the valley, music, and elf, all things that I like, this painting is indeed special! Thanks for sharing.